Over the weekend, Rainbow Six Siege achieved a new concurrent player record on Steam. The game had over 180,463 players online at the same time, which is well above all of its previous records. Siege is currently on sale, so that certainly helped, but it typically breaks all-time concurrent records during free weekends. It’s impressive to see it doing this over four years after release, but it’s hardly a surprise. Looking at player numbers on Steam Charts, Siege has been steadily gaining new players since November last year, expanding the player base by anywhere between 1% to 20%. This is an even more impressive result considering a significant portion of the game’s community on PC does not go through Steam, rather plays on Uplay directly.

I imagine things would look even better when you take into consideration Uplay, not to mention PS4 and Xbox One. Siege recently kicked off its fifth year of post-launch support, with a sixth year already planned. Although the cadence of new operators and maps has slowed down considerably, the game remains popular. It’s not surprising, then, that Ubisoft wants Siege on PS5 and Xbox Series X playable on launch day.